Certification by the German Institute for Sustainability & Economics
We are pleased to have successfully completed the certification process of the German Institute for Sustainability & Economy. The positive result of the audit and the implementation of sustainable action led to the issuance of the certificate and the associated seal of approval for "Assured Sustainability".
For the successful certification, a fulfillment of at least 80% in the overall process is required. We are particularly pleased to have exceeded this value in each of the categories below.
The main focuses of the examination go beyond a "pure" consideration of the CO2 balance and are made up of:
1. The ecological sustainability:
Describes the far-sighted and considerate use of natural resources. Nature and the environment should be preserved for future generations and biodiversity, climate protection, the maintenance of cultural and landscape areas should exist in their original form.
2. The economic sustainability:
Sees as necessary basic requirements that the type of economic activity is oriented in such a way that it continuously offers a stable basis for acquisition and prosperity. The protection of economic resources is of particular importance here.
3. The social sustainability:
See the development of society as a path that enables long-term positive benefits for all members of a community. Social forces must be brought into harmony in order to achieve a society worth living in in the long term.
- Sustainability, as lived responsibility, is therefore an integral part of our corporate culture, which is audited annually by independent third parties. Continuous improvement and the sustainability of our products will continue to be our aspiration and motivation at Plattenhardt + Wirth in the future.
kind regards
Your Team Plawi